

At its worst it was like constant pain, just constant aching, you couldn’t get away from it. It was just hurting to walk even. It limited my ability to work all day long. My feet hurt so bad that I could work maybe an hour or two, but then I’d have to sit a little while to let my feet rest. At night it was constant pain. I wasn’t getting great sleep. I tried Tylenol and those sort of things to see if that would help but nothing really did. I found out about Multicare from a friend of mine. He said that you guys were top notch and I should check you out. The staff, everyone, treated me great. They would engage in conversation and seemed to care about my well-being, my life and what’s happening. I am 100% better than what I was! It’s amazing! Going through the therapy process you still have a little bit of pain, and maybe physical therapy is a little tough on you. But you can really feel things progressing and now I get along great! I have no pain in my feet. I can work however long I want to and have no issues. I would just encourage anybody that if you have pain in your…..it really doesn’t matter where it’s at. I really strongly believe that Multicare can get that fixed. You don’t have to live with the pain. You don’t have to be a tough guy and try and tough it out. You can just walk in and, man, you won’t believe how much better you’ll feel when it’s all done.

- Nic

The pain in my heels was very, very painful for me. I’m a walker. I just couldn’t do it anymore. Just to stand was really painful. I tried a LOT of things! I had seen a podiatrist, that’s where I started, then I went to a chiropractor, and in the meantime I had seen my regular doctor and talked about it and did some therapy. I went between those people a lot – the three of them. And nothing worked. I had cortisone a shot from the podiatrist. It helped for a few days. But then he wouldn’t give me another one. And he had made plates twice for my shoes. And then it just killed my hip! It was like it made it worse. Well then he made different ones and that never worked for me. I read in the newspaper about Multicare. I cut out the ad and thought ‘I’m gonna call and see what they have to say’. I was real pleased with everybody. I thought Steve (Multicare physical therapist with a doctorate degree) in the therapy room was really good. And the girls (PT assistants) did a nice job too. I think that Steve had a good understanding way about him. And the girls have always been really pleasant in the office. It really has worked for me. And I still do my exercises pretty much every day. I went about 10 times to therapy and saw Dr. Sneller for adjustments. I have recommended treatment at Multicare to many, many people! I remember when I was first doing my therapy, there was an older lady - I have no idea what her name was - but she told me she could hardly walk. In fact she said ‘I had gone to the doctor out in the Dunes and they told me in a year I’ll be in a wheelchair’ and she said ‘I have to take care of my husband. I can’t do that’. And she stood up and said ‘Look at me walk now’. I have no idea who she was, but I thought man that is pretty good. I have been more than pleased and I am more than willing to recommend Multicare to anyone who will listen.

- Barbara

I'M NOW A BELIEVER!! I didn't think chiropractic could help my foot problems. But after meeting with Dr. Pistello and Dr. Steve for a few weeks, I'm feeling so much better!

- Gino

I had a lot of pain in my heel and it’s feeling so much better, and I’m able to move around a lot better.

- Darla


I got to a point where I just couldn't deal with my headaches anymore. I had never been to a chiropractor before, but I was desperate for relief. The team at Multicare figured out my issue and after physical therapy and adjustments for only a short while, I can say that I am free of headaches. Thanks so much to the excellent team at Multicare!! I am so very grateful!!

- Aaron

I came to Multicare for the first time with a horrible migraine and in one visit Dr. Joel wiped that migraine right out of my head.

- Lisa


Because of my consultation with the doctors at Multicare Health Clinic, I learned about my balance issues and how I can help myself. But I know Multicare will always be honest with me and always has my best interest at heart. Thanks Multicare!

- Anna

I had a balance problem. Dr. Steve worked with me to strengthen my legs. I went from not being able to walk across the lawn without a cane to just like being freed again. And now I have no problems walking out on the lawn.

- Iva


Dr. Sneller helped. I haven't been feeling dizzy anymore.

- Belinda B

I had dizziness especially when exercising. One treatment later and I was able to do a hard core workout without any problems. I recommend Multicare for any issues.

- Roseanne


I’d been to the doctor several times and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. On my first appointment, Dr. Sneller figured out what was wrong with my neck and we decided on a treatment plan. I'm feeling so much better! Thank you to the Multicare team.

- Kandie

I came in with a pinched disc the first time and I was in a lot of pain, and now it’s totally gone. Total relief. My second visit I was locked up between my neck and shoulders and that was causing me a lot of pain. And now that’s all gone, so I am very happy."

- Leon


Being able to present my back pain to three different professions in one place and knowing that they are working together to make me better is very comforting.

- Charlie

We had a treatment set up for my lower back. Dr. Sneller gave me some stretching exercises for my lower back a week or so ago and I’ve been doing those faithfully three times a day. and I am feeling amazing, not feeling any pain. ……. I would recommend anyone come here and get checked out by Dr. Sneller.

- John


After an accident at work I didn't think I'd ever get relief from my aching shoulder. But the doctors at Multicare gave me adjustments and physical therapy and now I feel normal again. What a relief!

- Cliff

Nothing could help me. Nothing could fix me. Dr. Scott – he fixed me. He is the best. He is the only one who could fix my back, and my shoulder. Thank you so much!

- Jesus


I'm so glad my sister referred me to Multicare! My elbow hasn't felt this good in a long time. Thanks to the great physical therapy team there!

- Ellen

I came to Multicare with numbness and tingling in my elbows and fingers. After one adjustment, five days later, I feel better. I would recommend Multicare to anyone.

- Jamie


Not only is my pain level down to zero, but what I'm really thrilled with, is that I have normal feeling in my hands!!

- Jill

I came to Multicare for pain in the wrist and the arm and symptoms that I’ve had in lower back issues for years; now gone in three adjustments. So I am very pleased with my progress.

- Patti


After my knee surgery I was asked where I wanted to do my physical therapy, I chose Multicare Health Clinic and I'm so glad I did! Dr. Steve and the therapy assistants (Sara and Megan) are fabulous! They know what they're doing and they all really seemed to care about my recovery. I'm feeling fantastic! I'll definitely go back again whenever I need therapy or adjustments.

- Sheri

I had leg pain for six months. After two adjustments I can walk and I feel so much better thanks to Multicare!

- Winnie


I leave here feeling confident that I have the resources to manage my pain and live normally, and that's priceless.

- Alycen

I can’t say enough about the staff and Dr. Sneller. He has the biggest heart; really cares about his patients.

- Judy

Without question, I would recommend this care unit – they are thorough, caring, professional and you know up front what the costs are, plus several options of care were presented to me from which I chose the one that worked best for me.

- Sandy

Multicare has been great for me! I just needed a tune up to get me back up to being 100%. They have been so good to me. I would recommend it to anyone who’s trying to get and stay healthy.

- Adam


At night my right hand would go painfully numb at least 2-3 times where I could not sleep. Now, I don't have that pain and can get a full night sleep thanks to Multicare.

- Janet

As a result of my treatment, the numbness, tingling and soreness began to gradually and consistently decrease. Now, at the completion of my treatment program, I have none of the original symptoms that brought me to the clinic.

- Roger


I wasn't able to use my hand the way I should. After working with Dr. Sneller and the physical therapy team, I can use my hand again.

- Henry

I was disabled three years ago from a stroke having left-side paralysis. My left side works better now because of Dr. Sneller at Multicare.

- Jamethon


Several months have passed and I have less pain and more energy than I’ve had in a long while. I feel young again and find it difficult to “act my age” so most of the time – I don’t!

- Marge

I didn't think anything could be done for my fibromyalgia pain. But the doctors at Multicare have proven that some pain management is possible. I'm very grateful.

- Sharon

Workplace Screening

My company encouraged all of us employees to get screened at Multicare. I didn't know what to expect. It was easy and I learned so much. The orthotics they prescribed really help me to feel more stable and confident at work.

- Jim

I had a foot scan done recently. It's amazing what I learned about my feet and how they bear my weight. I purchased the orthotics that were recommended and it truly is amazing how much of a difference they make. I don't go anywhere without my orthotics in my shoes! They have really relieved my pain.

- Harold

Physical Therapy

There couldn't be a better physical therapy team in Siouxland! Not only did my knee feel so much better after six weeks, but I feel like I made new friends.

- Karla

The physical therapy staff is nothing less than AWESOME!

- Mike

I tried ice and heat at home before coming and it did not work for very long. Once I came here and started therapy I learned how to reduce any aches or pains. I can do everything that I used to be able to do years ago and feel much better now.

- Nicole


I'm a runner. When I wasn't able to run due to leg problems, I was devastated. But a consultation at Multicare identified the problem and after some adjustments, stimulation treatments and therapy, I'm running again!

- Lisa

I am running better (and faster) without pain and competing against athletes 20 years younger than myself. I give some of that credit to Multicare.

- John

Multicare Health Clinic

3930 Stadium Dr
Sioux City, IA 51106
Phone Number: (712) 276-4325

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  • "There couldn't be a better physical therapy team in Siouxland! Not only did my knee feel so much better after six weeks, but I feel like I made new friends."
    Karla K.
  • "I'm now a believer now! I didn't think chiropractic could help my foot problems. But after meeting with Dr. Pistello and Dr. Dave for a few weeks, I'm feeling so much better!"
    Gino G.
  • "I'm a runner. When I wasn't able to run due to leg problems, I was devastated. But a consultation at Multicare Health Clinic identified the problem and after some adjustments, stimulation treatments and therapy, I'm running again!"
    Lisa L.
  • "My shoulder and neck feel so much better. I now have the knowledge, motivation, desire and tools to keep up the exercises."
    Barb B.
  • "Not only is my pain level down to zero, but what I'm really thrilled with, is that I have normal feeling in my hands."
    Jill L.
  • "I now can go a full week without pain and headaches."
    Luke W.
  • "After my consultatin with the doctors at Multicare Health Clinic, I understand how to address my balance issues."
    Anna A.
  • "I'm so glad my sister referred me to Multicare! My elbow hasn't felt this good in a long time. Thanks to the great physical therapy team there."
    Ellen E.
  • "I wasn't able to use my hand the way I should. After working with Dr. Sneller and the physical therapy team, I can use my hand again."
    Henry H.
  • "Dr. Sneller helped. I haven't been feeling dizzy anymore."
    Belinda B
  • "I leave here feeling confident that I have the resources to manage my pain and live normally, and that's priceless."
    Alycen V.
  • "Being able to present my back pain to three different professions in one place and knowing that they are working together to make me better is very comforting."
    Charlie P.
  • "I wasn't able to use my hand the way I should. After working with Dr. Sneller and the physical therapy team, I can use my hand again."
    Ivy I.
  • "My company encouraged all of us employees to get screened at Multicare. I didn't know what to expect. It was easy and I learned so much. The orthotics they prescribed really help me to feel more stable and confident at work."
    Jim J.
  • "At night my right hand would go painfully numb at least 2-3 times where I could not sleep. Now, I don't have that pain and can get a full night sleep."
    Janet D.
  • "After my knee surgery I was asked where I wanted to do my physical therapy, I chose Multicare Health Clinic and I'm so glad I did! Dr. Steve and the therapy assistants (Sara and Megan) are fabulous! They know what they're doing and they all really seemed to care about my recovery. I'm feeling fantastic! I'll definitely go back again whenever I need therapy or adjustments."
    Sheri J.
  • "After an accident at work I didn't think I'd ever get relief from my aching shoulder. But, the doctors at Multicare gave me adjustments and physical therapy and now I feel normal again."
    Cliff C.